We’re proud to partner with Nova Ukraine

When you click any of the DONATE buttons on the Project Lapky site your donation will be received and processed by Nova Ukraine, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine

A man opening a bag of dog food while a group of dogs wait patiently.


Our goal at Project Lapky is to distribute as much funding to frontline animal welfare organizations and volunteers as possible while ensuring funds are allocated and spent on high-impact operations.

Nova Ukraine is a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization (EIN 465335435) and operates as the trusted beneficiary of funds raised by Project Lapky for vetted and approved animal organizations, volunteers and shelters.

Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

A person hand feeding a dog while others wait for their turn.

Since the war started, Nova Ukraine has helped 59,863+ animals.